Networking and collaboration

At the recently conducted SAINT Workshop, fifteen participants from the SAINT community got together to learn more about each other and the research projects they are currently conducting. The workshop started with lunch and then SAINT director Christian Ekberg kicked off a series of presentations made by the different SAINT members.

Everyone was encouraged to engage in dialogue by asking questions and learning more about each other’s projects. Even when the research fields are narrow, new perspectives give rise to further discussions. Discussions that continued in the evening over dinner.

The second day focused on collaboration in education. Christophe Demaziere from Chalmers presented the concept of “flipped classroom” and other delegates presented their experiences from new pedagogical approaches. As many were interested in teaching methodology, there was not enough time to discuss collaboration.

In the workshop follow-up questionnaire it was evident that SAINT members want to take time to discuss collaboration opportunities further within research as well as education. The SAINT management team is encouraged by this feedback to start planning future workshops and/or meetings to further the process of clarifying what areas SAINT should focus on and how we can collaborate going forward.

Photos from the workshop can be seen here:

Författare: Peter Jansson

Forskare i tillämpad kärnfysik vid Uppsala universitet.